Sunday 29 August 2010

Designs for bedroom

Well sarah and i have decided to redecorate the bedroom as its not been done since we moved in the place, and we want to make it our own. Anyway i said she can do it as i hoped she would pick somethings stylish, funky and fun and well the two designs of bedroom she has shown me are really not me but shes loves them, I am stuck with what to do!!!

Sock friends for trade

Sunday 22 August 2010

Disney Channel Needs to be Destroyed!!!!

So my sister thought it would be fun to leave the kids with Aunt Lola, don't get me wrong i love my niece and nephew, they are like the greatest kids i know. But when I'm busy and already have plans, then my sister turns up says she gotta work then leaves, so I'm stuck with the kids for a whole Saturday. The bad thing is, my niece is addicted to anything Disney Channel, so all day it was constant Hannah Montana, some wizard show and also a show about a TV show, i have no idea. All i know is it was driving me up the wall, cheesy songs, crap acting and stupid story lines, but i guess that's what kids like now days. When i was younger i never watched anything like them, it was more cartoons really, Dungeons and Dragons, Mysterious Cities of Gold, Fraggle Rock etc.

I also in between getting drinks, getting snacks etc etc was able to finish 12 pages in my Darkness Journal, so i only have 13 left to do. My partner for this swap has given me until the 1st September before she rates me a 1. I totally understand that as well, i know its not entirely my fault the first journal went missing, but its not her fault either. Hopefully this should be with her just after the 1st September as i am hopefully posting this on Wednesday.

Sarah came home from work around 6 and the first thing she said was why is the living room a mess and why is there crisps packets all over the floor. I know i should not have given the kids so many crisps but they wanted them and I'm a push over, i give them anything they ask for.

Well its not Sunday evening and Sarah and I are just getting ready to pop into town for a few drinks and some time together before i go back to work tomorrow.



Friday 20 August 2010



This is the place where the madness goes careering

Across cliff tops and endless moors, the wind is hard

vociferous and looking. Constant searching.

We’ll be safe enough here till dawn rears it’s ugly head,

Neither him nor her can touch us, safety,

This is the maiden’s virgin bed.

I won’t judge you, I will listen,

Carefully to your every tale of misery and disillusionment

Remember this? You have disarmed me..

Word perfect in theory, saying nothing in reality

But a poet in your own right. Baby, hold tight,

Things are about to get rocky, I willed this into being

And now we’re seeing the outcome of that spontaneous decision

I have thrown other possibilities back into the ocean,

So I won’t own them, so you can’t have them.

You’ll hear me now, yes, yes, you’ll love me then

We were the perfect ones and I know… I know we can be perfect again

Stupid Postal Service

Well my first parcel got lost in the mail and i am proper gutted as i loved the item i sent. It was for a swap called Darkess Journal, and i was so looking forward to my partner recieving the journal. Anyway i found it today it has still not arrived and its been quite a while now. So i got on with making another one for my partner. I did two pages while at work and i think they look pretty good, im going to post pictures on here so you can see.

Well im off to get more pages done so i can try and finish this Journal by Monday.

Very First Blog

Well I finally decided to write myself a blog, some may find it boring, other might find it an interesting read. What ever you think please feel free to let me know.

Today is Friday 20th August and I am sat at work looking like im working hard only im not, im blogging. I am so glad it is the weekend tomorrow and have 2 whole days off work, but not so happy that Sarah has to work tomorrow, we rarely get a whole weekend together anymore.

Sarah if you dont already know is my partner of nearlly 4 years, we have lived together for 3 years and we share our home with our extremley lazy and fat cat Dexter. Sarah works in a care home as a carer and she has done that for around 8 years.

I am a Journaller so hopefully blogging wont seem that much different and i can take to it well. As my very first blog entry i want to make it exciting for anyone who is going to be a follower. So i am having a giveaway for any of my friends on which i must add is the greatest invention since sliced bread :-)

I am offering 2 postcards each to the first 10 people to follow me and comment on my blog.

I do realise that this first entry is not so large, but follow me and keep in touch and you shall gain an insight into my sometimes caotic life. Ups, downs, ins and outs, this will be no holds barred place for me to express anything i may wish.

