Friday 20 August 2010

Stupid Postal Service

Well my first parcel got lost in the mail and i am proper gutted as i loved the item i sent. It was for a swap called Darkess Journal, and i was so looking forward to my partner recieving the journal. Anyway i found it today it has still not arrived and its been quite a while now. So i got on with making another one for my partner. I did two pages while at work and i think they look pretty good, im going to post pictures on here so you can see.

Well im off to get more pages done so i can try and finish this Journal by Monday.

1 comment:

  1. The postal service can be a wonderful thing to have but they sometime are sloppy and lose things :( This is a REALLY AWESOME journal though! Something I would love to receive in the mail! aprettykitty84 from Swap-Bot
