Sunday 22 August 2010

Disney Channel Needs to be Destroyed!!!!

So my sister thought it would be fun to leave the kids with Aunt Lola, don't get me wrong i love my niece and nephew, they are like the greatest kids i know. But when I'm busy and already have plans, then my sister turns up says she gotta work then leaves, so I'm stuck with the kids for a whole Saturday. The bad thing is, my niece is addicted to anything Disney Channel, so all day it was constant Hannah Montana, some wizard show and also a show about a TV show, i have no idea. All i know is it was driving me up the wall, cheesy songs, crap acting and stupid story lines, but i guess that's what kids like now days. When i was younger i never watched anything like them, it was more cartoons really, Dungeons and Dragons, Mysterious Cities of Gold, Fraggle Rock etc.

I also in between getting drinks, getting snacks etc etc was able to finish 12 pages in my Darkness Journal, so i only have 13 left to do. My partner for this swap has given me until the 1st September before she rates me a 1. I totally understand that as well, i know its not entirely my fault the first journal went missing, but its not her fault either. Hopefully this should be with her just after the 1st September as i am hopefully posting this on Wednesday.

Sarah came home from work around 6 and the first thing she said was why is the living room a mess and why is there crisps packets all over the floor. I know i should not have given the kids so many crisps but they wanted them and I'm a push over, i give them anything they ask for.

Well its not Sunday evening and Sarah and I are just getting ready to pop into town for a few drinks and some time together before i go back to work tomorrow.



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